My Weekend Cigar: Capadura Cigars

This past weekend, the Famous Smoke Shop cigar store held an in-store cigar event for Capadura Cigars, an obscure, boutique premium cigar brand made in The Dominican Republic. Distributed by Luba Cigar Corporation, Capadura Cigars come in two varieties: Capadura 808, a medium-bodied cigar rolled in an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, and Capadura 898, a full-bodied cigar rolled in a Brazilian Arapiraca wrapper. The core is a diverse blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan longfillers with a Dominican Olor binder. I was fortunate enough to have the time to smoke both versions in the Robusto shape.

The Capadura 808 Connecticut was very attractive in appearance, well-packed, and the cap clipped-off in a perfect circle exposing just the right amount of tobacco at the head. The pre-light flavor was somewhat nutty and sweet. Once lit, the foot took on an even burn and the early puffs were mellow with a nutty-woody flavor laced with some sweetness on the finish.

During the second act, the smoke became earthier in flavor and remained relatively consistent through the final third. The cigar turned a little bitter in the last inch, but at that point it was pretty much done. Pairing it with coffee, the smoke offered good balance, plenty of flavor, a very fine and firm grey ash. I would recommend this cigar for the morning or afternoon.

The Capadura 898 Maduro was a totally different animal, and also more rustic in appearance. Although it had a similar pre-light flavor, this cigar was considerably spicier, while maintaining the nutty, woody and earthy core flavors of the Connecticut. This cigar also displayed an excellent ash, clean burn, nice balance of flavors, and also went well paired with coffee.

By the third act, the smoke was quite peppery, a little much for my taste, but for those who enjoy rich, spicy, full-flavored cigars with a hint of sweetness, the 898 will certainly turn the trick. If I had to compare the Capadura 898 to a more popular boutique brand, it would be the Pinar del Rio Oscuro. This is more of an after-hours cigar that would go well with a single malt or a tawny Port, and a full stomach.

All-in-all, some nice new cigars well worth checking out.

Capadura 808 Connecticut
Appearance - 9
Construction - 9
Draw - 9
Burn - 9
Flavor - 8
Aroma - 8
Total Score: 8.6

Capadura 898 Maduro
Appearance - 8
Construction - 9
Draw - 9
Burn - 9
Flavor - 7
Aroma - 8
Total Score: 8.3

Have you smoked Capadura cigars? Please leave a comment.

~ Gary Korb


Anonymous said…
I just finished smoking a capadura 808 torpedo and I am sold. I bought it on the auction as a single and just in case, I also bought 3 more. Man am I glad I did!
I give the burn, draw and construction a 9. I loved the taste except the last 2 inches which turnd a little bitter and gave it an 8. Nutty, some earth notes, sweet but not too sweet with a very nice after taste
Mr Reggie said…
I just tried the extra ligero 5 1/2 by 60 and let me tell you I had some reservations because im a creature of habit but they had a buy 2 get 1 free so I decided to try it.. and boy am I glad I did.. what amazes me the most was how smooth it smoked while still maintaining its full body.. semi sweet and leathery initialy then ges a little spicy then finishes smooth. great appearance great burn great price equal great cigar...
Mr Reggie

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