2018 -- Estelí, Nicaragua -- Because fifty years as pioneers and
leaders of the Nicaraguan cigar industry deserve a superb tribute, Joya de
Nicaragua is proud to present Cinco
Decadas. A cigar not only made with an exclusive collection of
tobaccos but also with fifty years of accumulated knowledge, experience and
resilience unique to the first tobacco factory to craft premium handmade cigars
in Nicaragua.
Joya de Nicaragua isn’t just a cigar company; it is lifeline, it is struggle, it is will to forge ahead and renew – it is Nicaragua itself. Since day one, Joya’s strength has lied in its people, who have always been committed to achieving the highest levels of excellence. JDN sets the standard for Nicaraguan cigar quality, showing consumers what it means to be the most Nicaraguan cigar.
Joya de Nicaragua isn’t just a cigar company; it is lifeline, it is struggle, it is will to forge ahead and renew – it is Nicaragua itself. Since day one, Joya’s strength has lied in its people, who have always been committed to achieving the highest levels of excellence. JDN sets the standard for Nicaraguan cigar quality, showing consumers what it means to be the most Nicaraguan cigar.
Decadas is
about celebrating being first, being best or just being. It is a testament of
the ultra premium quality that characterizes the JDN family, made exclusively
with prime extra-vintage leaves. It carries an immaculate balance accompanied
by sweet and spicy notes. Its silky smooth smoke delivers a rich and fulfilling
Decadas is a Nicaraguan cigar of unparalleled elegance. This
cigar is intended to celebrate a special moment in our company’s history and
offer an opportunity to pause, reflect, give thanks – and look to the future,”
said Dr. Alejandro Martínez Cuenca, Owner and Chairman of Joya de Nicaragua.
is our most memorable milestone yet and the most memorable of celebrations
always require that you rise to the occasion. That’s what Cinco Decadas
represents. We want consumers to know that in Cinco Decadas, they
will find a cigar so premium that the fact that there’s one in the humidor,
will be enough to celebrate,” said Dr. Martínez Cuenca.
Decadas comes
in an exquisitely crafted ivory-white and gold lacquered box of 10 cigars. Each
unique element of its packaging also reflects the value and artistry behind
this masterpiece, from its gold embossed leaves, to the special 50th
Anniversary security seal that guarantees its exclusive origin, the Joya de
Nicaragua factory.
this time, Cinco Decadas will be available in
two vitolas only, as a tribute to the first formats to ever been rolled at the
JDN production floor back in 1968: Diadema (6 x 54) with an MSPR $19.99 and El
General (7x50) MSPR $18.99.
Decadas is a limited, on-going production of 5,000 boxes available only in
selected markets around the world. Only 3,000 boxes were available in
the USA, exclusively for DDRP shops during the recent IPCPR 86th Annual
Convention and Trade Show in Las Vegas. A limited allocation will now be available to the rest of the world.
Established in 1968, Joya de Nicaragua is Nicaragua’s first and oldest cigar factory in operation. JDN’s
commitment to quality along with their skillful and resilient people have
brought their handmade cigars to over 50 countries around the world, making it
Nicaragua's most international brand. This year, JDN pays tribute to the birth
of the Nicaraguan cigar industry and celebrates five decades of being the most Nicaraguan cigar. For more information, please visit
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