Basel, June 2019 -- In its mission to delight and surprise retailers and aficionados alike Davidoff launches Taste the Elements – a striking campaign putting forward the different origins and pioneering blends of the iconic Davidoff Escurio, Nicaragua and Yamasá lines.

Crafted for those in the mood to explore new taste sensations, Davidoff invites cigar aficionados around the world to discover how nature's elements have molded and influenced the climate, soils and tobacco plants which blend the Davidoff cigar lines with the striking black ring.

The rains of Brazil's Bahia region induce the salty, sweet and spicy taste of Davidoff Escurio. The volcanic soils of Nicaragua nurture the fiery bitter sweet intensity in Davidoff Nicaragua. All the while, the iron rich red soils of the Dominican Yamasá valley grow the earthy deep complexity of the Davidoff Yamasá blend.

"How our master agronomists have been developing seeds and taming the soils in these regions for over 20 years and how our Davidoff master blenders have then aged and skillfully blended these tobaccos into today's masterpieces are humbling examples of our dedication, expertise and craftsmanship at Davidoff. With Taste the Elements, we look forward to introducing how we walk and work together with nature and its elements in creating these beautiful and unique cigar experiences," says Edward Simon, Chief Marketing Officer of Oettinger Davidoff AG.

Complementing the three lines of long-filler cigars, Primeros by Davidoff, Mini Cigarillos and accessories is the spectacular masterpiece humidor "Terroirs" created by French artist Rose Saneuil. Limited to 20 pieces worldwide the masterpiece humidor "Terroirs" will be presented with exclusive cigars. Taste the Elements will launch in July and see global activations at experiential events triggering the five senses bringing the concept to life. In September, Davidoff will host a large event in New York City for aficionados, media and trade partners alike.

The Davidoff Escurio, Nicaragua and Yamasá cigars, Primeros by Davidoff, Mini Cigarillos and accessories are available at select Davidoff Appointed Merchants, Flagship Stores and Global Travel Retail locations.
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#tastetheelements #davidoffcigars


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