Cigar Dojo Collaborates with Alec & Bradley Cigars for Leap Year Cigar
The cigar itself follows suit, showcasing a Honduran puro recipe, selecting tobaccos from lots not seen throughout Alec & Bradley's portfolio (as well as parent company, Alec Bradley Cigar Co.).
Eric Guttormson, owner of Cigar Dojo, commented, "While the concept of this cigar (being released on Leap Day) is super cool, what I am most excited about is the cigar itself. Alec & Bradley brought out some unique tobacco for this blend that the Dojo team really fell in love with."
“Uru Doshi is Alec & Bradley’s most unique cigar to date," added Bradley Rubin, co-founder of Alec & Bradley. "That’s why we wanted to release it with Cigar Dojo on Leap Year; giving their fans a special cigar that they can enjoy on a day that happens only once every four years.”
Uru Doshi has been rolled at the Raíces Cubanas factory, located in Danlí, Honduras. The blend is flavor-forward and bright on the palate, offering an atypical profile not commonly seen from the renowned Raíces Cubanas facility. Uru Doshi will be packaged in soft bundles of 10 cigars, being rolled in a singular toro format.
“I’m honored to have worked with my brother, Bradley and the Cigar Dojo crew on Uru Doshi. This is a cigar that we are proud to put the Alec & Bradley name on and one that will speak to the Cigar Dojo community,” noted Alec Rubin, co-founder of Alec & Bradley.
Uru Doshi will be limited to only 300 bundles of 10 cigars, being offered exclusively through online retailer Smoke Inn Cigars. The cigars will have the rare designation of being released on February 29th, with a price that will be announced at a later date.
The earth completes its rotation of the sun every 365.25 days, requiring an additional day be added to the Gregorian calendar every four years. This day—Leap Day—is often punctuated by leap year celebrations, including time capsules that can be uncovered on future leap year occurrences. With premium cigars being among the world's most age-worthy indulgences, cigar smokers are encouraged to put Uru Doshi to the test!
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