My Weekend Cigar: Joya De Nicaragua "Serie C" Robusto
Here's a tasty little number I found among my leftover cigars from last year's RTDA Show (now the IPCPR). I've always enjoyed the deep, rich flavor of Joya De Nicaragua cigars, most of which are puros. However, last year they introduced the Joya De Nicaragua "Serie C" cigars that combine a full-bodied blend of all-Nicaraguan longfiller & binder tobaccos with a specially-grown Ecuadorian Connecticut leaf (hence the "C" in the name). The leaf is a shade darker than your average Ecuadorian Connecticut, and the result is a more flavorful cigar that also packs quite a wallop.
The first thing I noticed about the 5 x 52 "Serie C" Robusto was its heft. This is a really solidly-packed cigar that felt heavy in my hand. It started out with a sweet, dark tobacco flavor and aroma, but by the midpoint this was a bold, spicy cigar that reminded me of the muscular Joya De Nicaragua Antaño 1970 cigars.
The smoke was dominated by a well-balanced mélange of earthy, woody and spicy flavors with a shot of white pepper on a long finish. In a word, "awesome." One of this cigar's finer attributes was the aroma that emanated from the wrapper, which added a little "sweetness" to the experience, but overall, it was prodigiously potent.
My only regret was that I didn't pair it up with a good Tawny Port or a Shiraz, which would have been a welcome counterpoint to its spicy character. Not being in the mood at the time for those particular libations, I opted for a glass of purified spring water. Oh well...
During the final act the cigar rounded-out somewhat, or maybe my palate simply adjusted. All-in-all, a marvelously smooth and "heady" smoke with a lot to offer, especially after a big meal in the evening.
The first thing I noticed about the 5 x 52 "Serie C" Robusto was its heft. This is a really solidly-packed cigar that felt heavy in my hand. It started out with a sweet, dark tobacco flavor and aroma, but by the midpoint this was a bold, spicy cigar that reminded me of the muscular Joya De Nicaragua Antaño 1970 cigars.
The smoke was dominated by a well-balanced mélange of earthy, woody and spicy flavors with a shot of white pepper on a long finish. In a word, "awesome." One of this cigar's finer attributes was the aroma that emanated from the wrapper, which added a little "sweetness" to the experience, but overall, it was prodigiously potent.
My only regret was that I didn't pair it up with a good Tawny Port or a Shiraz, which would have been a welcome counterpoint to its spicy character. Not being in the mood at the time for those particular libations, I opted for a glass of purified spring water. Oh well...
During the final act the cigar rounded-out somewhat, or maybe my palate simply adjusted. All-in-all, a marvelously smooth and "heady" smoke with a lot to offer, especially after a big meal in the evening.