Basel, November 2018. To delight the palates of aficionados around the globe, Davidoff Cigars celebrates the Chinese Year of the Pig with exclusive Limited Edition cigars and accessories. 2019 marks the Year of the Pig, a year that celebrates luck and wealth of the zodiac sign, the Pig, known for its compassionate and generous nature. Those born in this year have a natural talent for success, and being around them is potentially as good for your fortunes as for your spirits. When a Pig is in the room, the atmosphere brightens – just as it does when lighting a fine Davidoff cigar.
The impressive pig-tailed Gran Toro cigar fittingly celebrates the Chinese New Year with the Pig’s almost pig-headed determination to pursue a goal of prize. Once they identify their destination, Pigs will always find a way to complete their journey. They are also loyal and tend to form strong and lasting friendships. If you’re lucky enough to be friends with a Pig, they will happily share what is theirs: from their luck, to a good story, a bottle of something fine and delicious, to an exquisite cigar from this exclusive Davidoff limited edition.
The Year of the Pig cigars
The Gran Toro 6 x 56 format with its proud pigtail is wrapped in a shiny and oily Habano 2000 wrapper from Ecuador, and first develops into creamy notes of pepper and oak wood once lit. The Negro San Andrés binder from Mexico and well-aged filler tobaccos from Nicaragua and Dominican Republic create a sophisticated, complex and flavourful blend. Notes of leather, pepper, roasted hazelnuts, oak wood and fresh spices not only delight the palate, but are also perfectly suited to please the big-hearted, determined personality of the Pig.
The special edition is limited to 9,300 boxes worldwide, and comprises of ten Gran Toro cigars presented in a prestigious, opulently lacquered Asian-inspired red box, sure to become an instant collectible. The Pig is represented by a simple and elegant graphic icon executed in gold. Inside the box is a paper insert with the Year of the Pig story.
The Year of the Pig Limited Edition is the perfect gift for anyone wishing to celebrate Chinese New Year with a cigar.
Wrapper: “Habano 2000” from Ecuador
Binder: Negro San Andres from Mexico
Filler: Estelí Ligero, Condega Seco tobaccos from Nicaragua
Piloto Visus, Hybrid Olor/Piloto Visus and Piloto Seco tobaccos from the Dominican Republic
Format: Gran Toro 6 x 56 with pigtail
MSRP: $39.00 per cigar
The Year of the Pig Ashtray (shown at left)
Inspired by the Pig’s voluptuous curves, the Italian made round aluminium ashtray is enclosed with vibrant, grained, red leather to strikingly contrast the ashtray’s rich mocha colour. In keeping with the Pig’s generous nature, the ashtray has a steady holder for two cigars. The Davidoff logo is engraved on the metal and it comes in a limited numbered edition of 300 pieces.
MSRP: $395.00
Launch & Availability
From November 2018, the Davidoff Year of the Pig Limited Edition cigars and accessories will be available at select Davidoff Appointed Merchants and Flagship Stores in the United States.
The impressive pig-tailed Gran Toro cigar fittingly celebrates the Chinese New Year with the Pig’s almost pig-headed determination to pursue a goal of prize. Once they identify their destination, Pigs will always find a way to complete their journey. They are also loyal and tend to form strong and lasting friendships. If you’re lucky enough to be friends with a Pig, they will happily share what is theirs: from their luck, to a good story, a bottle of something fine and delicious, to an exquisite cigar from this exclusive Davidoff limited edition.
The Year of the Pig cigars
The Gran Toro 6 x 56 format with its proud pigtail is wrapped in a shiny and oily Habano 2000 wrapper from Ecuador, and first develops into creamy notes of pepper and oak wood once lit. The Negro San Andrés binder from Mexico and well-aged filler tobaccos from Nicaragua and Dominican Republic create a sophisticated, complex and flavourful blend. Notes of leather, pepper, roasted hazelnuts, oak wood and fresh spices not only delight the palate, but are also perfectly suited to please the big-hearted, determined personality of the Pig.
The special edition is limited to 9,300 boxes worldwide, and comprises of ten Gran Toro cigars presented in a prestigious, opulently lacquered Asian-inspired red box, sure to become an instant collectible. The Pig is represented by a simple and elegant graphic icon executed in gold. Inside the box is a paper insert with the Year of the Pig story.
The Year of the Pig Limited Edition is the perfect gift for anyone wishing to celebrate Chinese New Year with a cigar.
Wrapper: “Habano 2000” from Ecuador
Binder: Negro San Andres from Mexico
Filler: Estelí Ligero, Condega Seco tobaccos from Nicaragua
Piloto Visus, Hybrid Olor/Piloto Visus and Piloto Seco tobaccos from the Dominican Republic
Format: Gran Toro 6 x 56 with pigtail
MSRP: $39.00 per cigar
The Year of the Pig Ashtray (shown at left)
Inspired by the Pig’s voluptuous curves, the Italian made round aluminium ashtray is enclosed with vibrant, grained, red leather to strikingly contrast the ashtray’s rich mocha colour. In keeping with the Pig’s generous nature, the ashtray has a steady holder for two cigars. The Davidoff logo is engraved on the metal and it comes in a limited numbered edition of 300 pieces.
MSRP: $395.00
Launch & Availability
From November 2018, the Davidoff Year of the Pig Limited Edition cigars and accessories will be available at select Davidoff Appointed Merchants and Flagship Stores in the United States.
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