MIAMI – April 10, 2019 – Plasencia
Cigars, one of the world’s largest, high-profile tobacco growers and cigar
manufacturers, has joined forces with Davidoff of Geneva Since 1911 to
create Plasencia Cigars for Davidoff of Geneva Since 1911, a
limited-edition Belicoso. Effective May 2, the cigar will be
available for sale exclusively at Davidoff of Geneva Since 1911 flagship stores
in the United States, and online at
Cigars for Davidoff of Geneva Since 1911 is a medium to
full-bodied cigar, made with sustainably treated tobacco plants in Nicaraguan
soils, and then aged for over seven years in the most favorable
conditions. Plasencia Cigars for Davidoff of Geneva Since 1911 is
hand-rolled in Nicaragua, at the Plasencia Cigar Factory in Estelí. The cigar,
with a limited edition of 300 boxes, comes in a twenty-count box Belicoso,
which measures 6 inches by 52 ring gauge.
“We are
honored to partner with Davidoff of Geneva Since 1911 to share the ideal
combination of flavors and blends that perfectly represent both of our brands,
in one savoring cigar,” said Nestor Andrés Plasencia, CEO of Plasencia
Cigars. “Plasencia Cigars for Davidoff of Geneva Since 1911 symbolizes
the commitment of both brands to serve and provide consumers with
the highest quality products in the industry.”
exclusive, 100 percent Nicaraguan blend, celebrates a rich heritage as well as
more than 100 years of expertise within the cigar industry for both Plasencia
Cigars and Davidoff of Geneva Since 1911.
for Davidoff of Geneva Since 1911 beautifully represents Davidoff of
Geneva Since 1911’s quest for outstanding cigar experiences, providing only the
finest blends for aficionados to celebrate and enjoy,” announced Lana Fraser,
director of marketing of Davidoff of Geneva USA. “Plasencia Cigars, in
collaboration with Davidoff of Geneva Since 1911 have found the perfect synergy
and balance to create an enticing and elegant blend that will create a unique
and memorable experience.”
A celebratory
launch event will take place in New York City on May 2 at the Davidoff of
Geneva Since 1911 flagship store, located at Brookfield Place, 225 Liberty St.,
from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
For more
information about Plasencia Cigars, visit, or follow
the conversation on Instagram and Twitter @PlasenciaCigars and
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About Plasencia Cigars
Plasencia Cigars is one of the world’s
leading growers of first-class tobacco. The Plasencia family has been
pioneering the industry since 1865 when Don Eduardo Plasencia began growing
tobacco in Cuba, and five generations of the Plasencia family have continued
the legacy. Today, Plasencia Cigars produces more than 35 million
handmade cigars per year and harvests tobacco from more than 3,000 acres across
several countries in Central America, including Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa
Rica, and Panama.
Oettinger Davidoff Group
Davidoff Group, with sales of approximately 500 million Swiss francs and 3,600
employees around the world, traces its roots back to 1875 and remains
family-owned to this day. The company is dedicated to the business of
producing, marketing, distribution and retailing of premium-branded cigars,
tobacco products and accessories. The premium-branded cigar business includes
Davidoff, AVO, Camacho, Cusano, Griffin’s, Private Stock, Zino, and Zino
Platinum. Oettinger Davidoff Group is also the sole agent of many brands in
several countries such as Haribo in Switzerland, and S.T. Dupont in the USA.
Its business is anchored in a strong “crop-to-shop” philosophy, having pursued
vertical integration from the tobacco fields in the Dominican Republic,
Honduras, and Nicaragua to its global network of over 75 Davidoff Flagship
stores and strong Appointed Merchants.
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