Basel, Switzerland -- Davidoff Cigars continues its successful campaign for the Davidoff Winston Churchill collection and releases a limited edition Toro cigar honouring the Commander character facet of history's most iconic cigar aficionado.
For seven consecutive years since the relaunch in 2014, the Davidoff Winston Churchill brand has seen unprecedented success in global markets. The impressive performance of the brand platform "Cigars of Character" with its two lines «The Original Collection» and «The Late Hour» has inspired cigar aficionados worldwide to countless moments of indulgence. Davidoff is proud of providing time so beautifully filled to its loyal consumers.
"Sir Winston Churchill was an exceptional man whose personality had so very many facets of brilliant talents, from statesman to commander, from author to painter – a unique character of its time. Usually, these personalities transform into mere history book figures, but not Sir Winston Churchill who still today is one of the most renowned and appraised public figures of the 20th century," says Edward Simon, CMO at Oettinger Davidoff AG. "At Davidoff we are humbled and excited to bringing to life the many dimensions and stories of this incredible leader, artist and writer while Sir Winston keeps carrying such deep inspiration to the world of today."The Davidoff Winston Churchill range offers a cigar, which is perfect for any moment, day or night. Milder and creamier daytime blends within «The Original Collection» and more robust creations for when the lights go down within «The Late Hour» line of cigars. The campaign will continue to focus on telling the many stories that occurred during the great man's life at day and night always with a cigar in hand. In 2021 the character facet highlighted in the communication is Sir Winston Churchill's personality as a commander.
Limited Edition Toro Cigar
The Davidoff Master Blenders have mastered the challenge of blending a cigar offering complexity and signature Davidoff balance as multi-faceted as the great aficionado's character. The new Limited Edition cigar is the perfect combination between «The Original Collection» and «The Late Hour». The multi-origin blend combines the creamy, caramel sweetness of «The Original Collection» with the earthy and #timebeautifullyfilled davidoff.com nutty nature of «The Late Hour». This medium to full-bodied limited edition delivers the perfect combination of these complex flavours in an elegant Toro format.Wrapped in a beautiful shiny Ecuador wrapper this Toro format cigar has been crafted into a 6x52 format and provides up to 70 minutes of «Time Beautifully Filled». Notes of dry fruits and spices please the aficionado's palate when lighting the cigar, while notes of leather and cream develop. Hints of nuts and cacao come forward towards the last third of the cigar all the while never lacking Davidoff's signature sophistication in taste and complexity. A delightful taste experience inspired by Sir Winston's rich character and moments in life when time was of the essence.
Limited to 11'100 boxes, the Winston Churchill Limited Edition 2021 Toro is packaged in a box of ten cigars each adorned with the iconic silhouette of the great leader and reflecting his extraordinary ability as a commander in the subtle checkboard scheme imprinted on the sides of the box.
Limited Edition Accessories
Along with the limited edition cigars, Davidoff is revealing a set of limited edition accessories in line with this year's theme of the limited edition – Sir Winston Churchill's role as a commander. The stylish dark grey coloured accessory set consisting of an ashtray and a double jet flame table lighter carry the limited edition chessboard design theme and is available only in very limited quantities. A Winston Churchill silhouette discretely adorns both items.
Launch & Availability
From February 2021*, the Davidoff Winston Churchill Limited Edition 2021 cigars and accessories will be available at select Davidoff Appointed Merchants, premium cigar retailers and Flagship Stores.
*Launch dates may vary depending on country.
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