A new cigar line that is as vibrant and exhilarant as the Dominican Republic itself. The cigar is blended with vintage tobaccos exclusively and astonishes with a fuller-bodied taste experience paired with Davidoff signature sophistication...
Basel/Switzerland, April
2021. Davidoff
pursues its mission to fill time beautifully by creating the best and most remarkable
cigar experiences conceivable. The leading premium cigar maker launches a cigar
line predominantly blended with elaborately aged vintage tobaccos from the
Dominican Republic to create a taste journey that plays to the essence of the vibrant
Dominican lifestyle and culture.
Davidoff brand is globally revered for cigars of sophistication and superior
quality,” said Edward Simon, Chief Marketing Officer at Oettinger Davidoff AG. “To embrace our heritage we created the Dominicana line that reflects
the vitality and colourful culture of the Dominican Republic. To achieve this task,
our Master Blenders combined five Dominican tobaccos with an Ecuadorian binder and
awarded the creation with a Dominican wrapper to compose the Davidoff
Dominicana. We are pleased to have succeeded in developing a cigar that unites
complex and manifold flavours with the smooth classiness of the White Band
Collection and which captures the Dominican joy de vivre, The Davidoff
Dominicana is not only a spirited example of Davidoff's expertise and excellence
in craftsmanship, but is also a statement to our enormous assortment of vintage
tobacco stocks. The tobaccos harvested in 2014 have been carefully aged over
six years to be eventually blended into the Davidoff Dominicana, making it a
bold testimony of our vintage proposition. The Davidoff Dominicana emphasizes
Davidoff's core difference that aficionados worldwide value highly with our
brand and company and our tireless efforts to delight our customers with unique
propositions,” he added.
Exceptional taste experience
The Davidoff Dominicana will add a refined, yet full-bodied taste experience to the
portfolio carrying the iconic white ring. The Dominicana is finished with a
signature pigtail to highlight the mastery of the Davidoff cigar rollers and is
adorned by a golden foot band revealing the year of the tobacco harvest. To
achieve the vibrant taste sensation that builds on the joyful culture and
vitality of the Dominican Republic, Davidoff's Master Blenders opened the deep
vaults of tobaccos to create an unmatched cigar statement. The blend of
tobaccos aged up to six years delivers a complex yet pleasant taste experience.
The first third appeals with notes of fresh spices imparted by the Yamasá Visus
filler tobacco complemented with hints of black pepper and oak wood. In the
second third, the Ecuadorian binder adds a deep creaminess supported by subtle notes
of leather and dark chocolate. The final third closes off with flavours of
dried fruits mingling with oak wood and fresh spices. The extended aging of the
tobaccos harvested in 2014 allow this sophisticated and elaborate taste journey
that make this full-bodied yet balanced cigar experience second to none.
Limited availability in a line-up of three formats and special packaging
true to the promise of uncompromising quality and craftsmanship, the Davidoff
Dominicana line will be available to aficionados as long as supplies of the
vintage tobacco components last. To ensure Davidoff Dominicana arrives in
pristine condition and the vintage tobaccos develop their best flavours, the
cigars have been rolled over 12 months ago. This extended resting period will
ensure time beautifully filled to all aficionados who choose to try one of these
exclusive Davidoff Dominicana cigars. The line is presented in three formats
suitable for any cigar moment: a Toro, a Robusto and a Short Robusto. All
cigars are available in wooden boxes of ten cigars and the packaging is outfitted
with an icon* to highlight the vintage tobacco blend.
Wrapper: Hybrid
257 from Dominican Republic
Binder: Hybrid 151 from Ecuador
Toro: 54 x 6"
Robusto: 52 x 5 1/8"
Short Robusto: 50 x 4"
Launch &
From May 2021*, the Davidoff Dominicana Limited Release cigars will be available at select Davidoff Appointed Merchants and Flagship Stores.
*Launch dates may vary depending on country.
Binder: Hybrid 151 from Ecuador
Filler: San Vicente Visus, San Vicente
Mejorado Seco, Piloto Visus, Dominican Corojo 99 Seco, and Yamasá Visus from the Dominican Republic
Toro: 54 x 6"
Robusto: 52 x 5 1/8"
Short Robusto: 50 x 4"
From May 2021*, the Davidoff Dominicana Limited Release cigars will be available at select Davidoff Appointed Merchants and Flagship Stores.
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