Plasencia Reserva Organica Cigars Meet “The Mets”
On Wednesday evening, September 5, I made what was now my third cigar presentation to The Metropolitan Society cigar club in Fairfield, NJ on behalf of Famous Smoke Shop. The cigars I chose for this occasion were the Plasencia Reserva Organica selection. I've been wanting to present these cigars to an impartial group of avid cigar smokers for a long time, and The Metropolitan Society's monthly cigar dinner provided the ideal setting.
When I got to the club with a box of 100 Plasencia Reserva Organica Robustos (including a load of Famous Smoke Shop catalogs), I was greeted by Metropolitan Society Treasurer, Ben Amoruso, who was seated behind a poker table checking-off names of the members as they arrived (see above photo) . To my surprise and delight, on the table were two open boxes of cigars: Olor Nicaragua and Olor Classic, both of which are brands exclusive Famous Smoke Shop. As is the custom for the monthly Society dinner meetings, as each member signs in they're entitled to their choice of a mild or full-flavored cigar. With my box now on the table, I joined Ben by handing out the Plasencia's and catalogs.
The dinner started promptly at 7:00 PM, and many of the members were already toking on their PRO Robustos. After the group had been served dinner, club President, Dan McCarthy, took care of all required club business, then he introduced me and I did my spiel. During my presentation I asked for a show of hands among those who had been smoking the cigars and asked for their honest take with a thumbs-up or down. Fortunately, it was almost unanimously thumbs-up. Were they just being nice because I was there? I don't want to assume anything, but I did receive a number of one-to-one compliments from many of them on the cigars later that evening.
In case you're not familiar with The Plasencia Reserva Organica cigars, they are Nicaraguan puros created by Nestor Plasencia Jr., in which the tobaccos are grown under "certified organic" conditions. The smoke is mild to medium in body with a rich, cedar-aged flavor that finishes with a very pure, natural flavor on the palate.
All-in-all, in was a wonderful evening, so at this juncture I'd like to thank Nestor Plasencia Jr., my boss, Arthur Zaretsky, and Famous Smoke Shop GM, Hal Odzic, for providing the cigars, as well as the following Metropolitan Society Board members: Dan McCarthy, Bob Lesnick, Ben Amoruso, Rich Camy, John Cito, and George Koodray, who helped make it all possible, and all the other Metro Society members I had the pleasure to meet. I look forward to doing it again next year.
(Middle photo, L-R) Metropolitan Society VP, Bob Lesnick, President, Dan McCarthy, and Yours Truly
Lawmakers thought they could squeeze people like us, but little did they know that the camaraderie and passion of cigar smokers is something they understand very little.
We may be maligned alright, but in that squeeze and the harassment we face, we've all seen new opportunities arise. Now, more of us have been brought together by the new and oppressive laws.
Thanks legislators!
George Koodray