My Weekend Cigar: Davidoff Maduro Robusto
At last summer's IPCPR show in Las Vegas, I was fortunate enough to receive a "preview" sample of the Davidoff Maduro Robusto, and so, I felt it was about time I review it.
It's hard to find visible flaws when it comes to Davidoff cigars, and the 5" x 52 Maduro Robusto was no exception. What's unique about this cigar is that Henke Kelner chose to use a Cuban seed Nicaraguan leaf sun-grown in the Jalapa Valley to create a dark, velvety "natural" Maduro, while the core comprises a blend of perfectly-aged Dominican longfillers and San Vicente binder.
The cigar was very well packed with virtually no soft spots, and when clipped, the cap popped off cleanly leaving the shoulders intact. The pre-light taste was somewhat sweet and woody with an excellent draw. I toasted the foot as delicately as I could. The tobacco took evenly to the flame, and off we went as I paired it with a glass of Taylor Fladgate Reserve Port.
The smoke was thick, creamy, highly aromatic, and mild at the start with a sweet, cedar wood flavor base. I expected the smoke to be more robust, but the eight months in my humidor could have mellowed it out some. For the most part, the cigar continued to smoke smoothly and gradually picked up in flavor as it burned.
The Port complemented the cigar perfectly, but it wasn't until the 2½-inch mark that the cigar showed its true colors. The second half offered significantly more sweetness and cedar flavor, while I also attribute a much "earthier" dimension at this point to the Jalapa wrapper. It was like someone had suddenly turned on the lights. The smoke was more robust, while maintaining a medium-bodied strength, and the sweetness continued to build right down to the last inch-and-a-half, when I finally let the cigar expire gracefully.
Although this was not a complex cigar IMO, I like naturally sweet cigars, and Mr. Kelner did a terrific job on this Maduro Robusto. It's a wonderful mix of sweetness, rich woody essences and dark tobacco. Maduro lovers, take note!
If you've had an experience with this cigar, please compare notes with me by leaving a comment.
~ Gary Korb